Net cash Operating profit margin Value added per employee Gross margin According to the study suomalainen kasino guitar, energy tax refunds may distort competition because they only apply to select fields of activity and only the largest companies within these fields. While large corporations may recoup over 80 per cent of the energy taxes paid, small companies in the same line of business receive much less or nothing. The study is based on detailed data on all the companies affected by energy tax cuts during 2010–2014. VATT’s analysis focused on seven competitiveness indicators: productivity, turnover, net profit margin suomalainen casino employment, return on equity, value of exports, number of employees and the percentage of exports of total turnover. A statistical analysis revealed no correlation between energy tax refunds and competiveness indicators. Consequently, the tax refunds had no impact on the companies’ success or lack of it. In the second part of its report online tax filing, VATT analysed the impact of the changes to motor fuel taxation on consumer prices. At the beginning of 2012, the excise tax was increased by 10.55 cents per litre for diesel fuels and 2.34 cents per litre for petrol. In its annual Communication on consultation on the fishing opportunities suomalainen kasino uvitaci, the Commission sets out the rationale for setting the maximum amounts of fish that can be caught for the following year – in this case for 2017. Via an online public consultation mobile poker apk, the Commission asks for the views of Member States, of the advisory councils, which include the fishing industry and non-governmental organisations, and of interested citizens and organisations. In autumn the Commission will then table its proposals for fishing opportunities for 2017 in EU waters in the Atlantic (including deep-sea stocks) and in the North and Baltic Seas. For further information en (118) Following the provisional disclosure suomi on ruotsalainen, certain large retailers and also some other parties contested the method used to estimate the retailers' gross profit margin on the product concerned and hence the conclusion reached in recital (185) of the provisional Regulation that, in view of the high gross margins starburst hard candy, the anti-dumping duties would have a limited impact, if any jackpot korean drama, on the retailers. en This, coupled with a reduction in royalty of at least £5.00 a tonne, will result in a large improvement in the gross profit margins of the licensed opencast mines. en Based on public information, it was found that large retailers are achieving comfortable gross profit margins of several hundred percent in their candle business fi Esimerkiksi Volvon [yleisesti myydyn] perävaunuttoman kuorma-automallin nettovoittomarginaali oli vuonna 1998 Ruotsissa [10-20 prosenttia] mutta Tanskassa [0-10 prosenttia] (bruttovoittomarginaalit olivat Ruotsissa [20-30 prosenttia] ja Tanskassa [10-20 prosenttia]). en 35 In particular, the applicants consider that in so far as Blackspur' s business plan assumed a 40% gross profit margin on sales of brushes from China, the imposition of an anti-dumping duty of 69% could not but make it impossible to sell those brushes at a profit. fi (3) - Kreikan hallituksen esittämän toisen esimerkin mukaan 200 GRD:n suuruinen myyntihinta voisi vaihtoehtoisesti koostua 175 GRD:n suuruisesta perushinnasta, 15 GRD:n suuruisesta bruttovoittomarginaalista ja 10 GRD:n suuruisesta arvonlisäverosta. fi Kahden yhteistyössä toimineen tuojan tarkistettujen tietojen perusteella kuitenkin todettiin, että näiden yritysten bruttokate pelkästään tarkasteltavana olevan tuotteen osalta ei ollut alhainen (merkittävästi yli ‧ % fi Öljyä markkinoiva yhtiö B hankkii öljytuotteita öljy-yhtiö A:lta hinnalla 200 GRD:tä/litra, joka muodostuu 190 GRD:n suuruisesta perushinnasta (sisältää bruttovoittomarginaalin sekä verot ja maksut) ja 10 GRD:n suuruisesta arvonlisäverosta.( en 78 It should be noted in this regard, first, that as held at paragraph 69 above, the only factor allowing Tata to charge lower prices on the Community market than the purchase price plus costs, whilst maintaining a gross profit margin of 8 to 10%, was the credits obtained under the Pass Book Scheme. fi Koska vertailumaassa ei ollut samoja myyntikanavia puhelin talletus casino atlantic city, tehtiin perusasetuksen ‧ artiklan ‧ kohdan d alakohdan ii alakohdan mukainen erityisoikaisu vähentämällä loppukäyttäjiä koskevasta normaaliarvosta ‧:ä prosenttia voittomarginaalin bruttoarvosta vastaava määrä en Its gross profit margin fell from 9 % of turnover in 1991 to 15 % of turnover in 1994. fi Väliaikaista tullia koskevan asetuksen johdanto-osan 185 kappaleen ensimmäisessä virkkeessä oleva sana ”bruttokate ” olisi korvattava sanalla ”kate”. en This method takes the form of an estimate involving the setting of the gross profit margin which one of the parties to a transaction between associated enterprises has sought by way of payment and which the other party has considered acceptable under arm's length conditions for the performance of comparable functions. en Its gross profit margin fell from 11 % of turnover in 1991 to 4,5 % in 1994, with a low point of 2 % in 1993. en The word gross profit margins in the first sentence of recital ‧ of the provisional Regulation should in fact be read as mark up fi Tarjoajia pyydettiin ilmoittamaan materiaalien osalta ainoastaan bruttokateprosentti. Näin tarjoajia estettiin tekemästä kilpailukykyisempää tarjousta, jossa hintatarjouksen eri osa-alueet yhdistyisivät optimaalisella tavalla.
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